Explore the four keys to creating and maintaining strong, healthy bones – the foundation of an independent, happy life – in this 4-part workshop with Margie Bissinger, MS, PT, CHC!

Four on-demand classes and downloadable bone-building workbook and recipe book included.


β€’Β Bone-Strong Qi Gong Beginner Class with Matt Jeffs, DPT

β€’ Osteoporosis Strength Training with Joan Pagano (exercise physiologist)

β€’ Tap Dancing for Bone Health: A Fun Dance Routine for Your Bones with Penelope Wasserman (You do not need tap shoes)

1. Root Causes & Testing

Learn how to determine what’s causing your bone loss and why this knowledge is the beginning to healing.

2. Exercise – Lecture and Exercise Demonstrations

Discover the importance of safe and effective movement and explore what other people get WRONG when it comes to bones. Explore your options when it comes to posture, strength training, balance, qigong, daily activities and safe body mechanics. Leave this class knowing your first and next steps!

3. Nutrition: Your Daily Health Healer

Learn how what you eat affects your body and your bones: What builds bones? What are your bone builders vs. bone bandits? What are the key supplements for strong, healthy bones.

4. Happiness and Stress Reduction

Explore the relationship between happiness and bone health. Get tools to implement on a daily basis, explore techniques to reduce cortisol (the stress hormone), and deep dive on how cortisol is integral to health, bones and happiness!

YES! I want this!