Strong Bones for Life Exercise Bundle

  • Mastering Core Activation for Weight Training and Life with Claudia Tamas, DPT ($22)
  • Osteoporosis Strength Training Class (60 minutes) with, Joan Pagano, Exercise Physiologist ( $22)
  • 4-class Bone Strong Qi Gong  program with Matt Jeffs, DPT and Qi Gong Instructor ($48)
  • Nia (Dance) for Bone Health with Joanie Brooks, Nia Instructor (great free-movement dance that is safe for osteoporosis) ($22)
  • Pelvic Floor Exercises for Your Osteoporosis Program with Isa Herrera, MSPT (pelvic floor physical therapist) ($22)
  • The Feldenkrais Method® for Improved Posture and Bone Health with Robin Eisen MS, PT ($22)
  • Skeletoning - An Osteoporosis Dance Class with Penelope Wasserman, Osteoporosis Exercise Specialist, Pilates Instructor and Dancer  ($22)
  • Gentle Pilates Class - Safe for Osteoporosis with Penelope Wasserman ($44)
  • Everyday Ergonomics with Margie Bissinger, MS, PT, CHC ($22)
  • Dancing Bonez 2 with dancers, Penelope Wasserman and Kip Martin ($22)
  • Functional Fitness for Better Bones and Balance with Linda Rose Iennaco (fitness instructor specializing in osteoporosis) ($22) 

VALUE $290


Margie Bissinger MS, PT, CHC 

Margie Bissinger is a physical therapist, integrative health coach, and happiness trainer. Margie has worked with patients in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis for over 25 years. Margie is the host of the Happy Bones, Happy Life Podcast.